Thursday, July 21, 2011

Book Club Title

The title for this month's book club is:

Stolen by Lucy Christopher

Pick up a copy at the Library and join the discussion at

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Girls Taking Over the World Book Tour

There's a great (and free) way to meet some authors this summer. Meet Lara Zielin (The Implosion of Aggie Winchester), Rhonda Stapleton (Stupid Cupid), Christine Johnson (Claire de Lune) and Saundra Mitchell (The Vespertine) when they come to the area in late August.
They will be at the Campbell County Public Library on August 26th where they will be joined by Julie Kagawa (Iron Fey). They will then be at the Blue Manatee Book Store in Oakley on August 27th where they wil be joined by Sara Bennett Wealer (RIVAL).

Thursday, July 7, 2011

ThunderCats - Ho!

I just found out that one of my favorite 80's cartoons, ThunderCats, is being remade and premiering on Cartoon Network at the end of the month. And while I wasn't as into the cartoon as these guys, I'm still pretty excited about it.

Here's a link to a leaked preview. The animation looks really great.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

War Horse Book Review

War HorseWar Horse by Michael Morpurgo

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I stumbled across this book and thought I would like it (I can't resist a horse or dog story even though I'm always afraid that I'll have to deal with them dying at the end), then I heard that it's being made into a movie and that it's a Broadway play that won a bunch of Tonys.

It's not as moving as I thought it would be; it didn't get as emotional as Black Beauty but I still enjoyed it. This would be good for a younger teen. I'm very curious how it translates to the stage and screen.

View all my reviews