Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Book Club Title

This month's online book club title is Tangerine by Edward Bloor. Pick up a copy at the Library and join in the discussion at Goodreads.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Be Sure to Vote!

The choices for the next After-Hours Movie Night:


Jurassic Park

Jane Eyre


Click on the links to find out what they're about then vote for your choice using the poll on the sidebar.

The next After-Hours Movie Night is next Friday, September 9th at 6 pm.

Monday, August 29, 2011

MTV Video Music Awards

In case you missed it, here are the winners from the VMAs. The Library doesn't have the videos but we do have the cds! Check out the winners.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What I've Been Reading

Small as an ElephantSmall as an Elephant by Jennifer Richard Jacobson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Good for a tween. It's not action-packed but it is suspenseful in an emotional/psychological way. It's a good opportunity to talk about mental illness.

View all my reviews

Leviathan (Leviathan, #1)Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm not sure why I waited so long to read this one - it was SO much fun. The characters are very real and likeable (I won't be surprised if I start exclaiming like Deryn, "Barking spiders!" and "Blisters!"). The narrator of the audio version is excellent. Good for tweens to teens.

View all my reviews

Always Lots of Heinies at the ZooAlways Lots of Heinies at the Zoo by Ayun Halliday

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This may be my new favorite book. I know of at least 7 kids that would think it is hilarious.

View all my reviews

Stolen: A letter to my captorStolen: A letter to my captor by Lucy Christopher

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was expected there to be more to make the reader like Ty. I didn't uderstand why all of a sudden Gemma's feelings towards her kidnapper would change. But, I guess that's what happens with Stockholm Syndrome. And I liked the point of view - Gemma writing to Ty. It showed that even she didn't understand her feelings towards Ty. I think I'm going to be thinking about this one for awhile.

View all my reviews

If you haven't already, you should creat an account at Goodreads. It's a fun way to keep track of what you've read and find new titles.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School

Oh, I hate to bring it up but, it's that time of year again. I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. I know I did. It was too quick but whatcha gonna do. I hope you enjoy this from the incomparable Adam Sandler.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hhhmm , This Could Be Interesting

Turning comics/graphic novels into movies has been all the rage the past few years. Here's one that could be very interesting. I love just about anything that Johnny Depp touches and with a description like, "a cross between The Thing and Stargate", I'm going to keep my eye out for this one.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Haven't Mention the Hunger Games Movie in Awhile

There are some pics posted from the upcoming Hunger Games movie. Can you tell that I'm excited about this flick?

Monday, August 8, 2011

After-Hours Movie Night

Here are the choices for this month's After-Hours Movie Night which is this Friday, August 12th at 6 pm. Be sure to vote for your pick!

Soul Surfer


Red Riding Hood

Battle: Los Angeles