Sunday, March 11, 2012

Title Freaky Fast Frankie Joe
Author: Lutricia
Genre : Realistic Fiction
Rating: 8 out of 10
Age: grade 3-5

     Frankie Joe is forced to to live in Plainview Illinois after his mom is sent to prison. When he reaches he meets his four annoying step brothers. After a couple weeks in Planview Frankie Joe decideds he can't take it anymore and hatches a plan to get back home but not by car or bus but by bike. To raise money for his plan he decideds open a devilvery business but when there are a couple bumps in the road the jouney may suprise you.

Friday, March 9, 2012

By: Jill Williamons
January 2012

Jason 3:3 has wanted to see the sky. When a new doctor comes into the place he is staying, Dr. Goyer tells him about his family. One night Jason 3:3 gets out, sneaking into Dr. Goyer's truck bed. When he gets inside of Dr. Goyer's house he meets Abby, Dr. Goyer's daughter. Abby has met a Jason that looks just like Jason 3:3, but Jason 3:3 is only a clone. Everything goes down hill from there when the company that made Jason 3:3 knows that he ecasped. What will happen to all the Jasons?

Sam. F.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

By: Rachel Coker
March 2012

Allie's mother is sick, so Allie is the only person that can take care of her. One day Sam Carroll comes over, and starts to talk to Allie. While is talking her mother falls down, and will not get up. The next day her mother dies. Allie is sent to Maine to live with an adoptive mother. Allie is trying very hard to not get close to people. As summer gets closer, Sam Carroll comes around again, her feelings for him have changed. World War 2 is coming soon, and Sam wants to leave to go fight. With summer brings new feelings, and hard tasks. What will happen to Sam and Allie?

Sam. F.
Halfling By: Heather Burch
February 2012

Nikki returns to school after a long summer, to see 3 new boys, that she met at weird parts of the summer. After sometime she figures out that they are halflings, and she has powers too, along with wings. A love triangle has formed between to of the halflings. Raven and Mace, at the end she has to make a choice of who she wants to be with, her family or her family of halflings.

Sam. F.

Over the past couple of weeks, PCMS has been trying to get people  to vote. The levy that got voted for on March 6th, was very important. It was going to decide wither or not we would still have music in Princeton. The levy has passed, thank u to all the voters. Music in Princeton is very important to all students, and teachers.

Its not just Princeton without Music!!!

Sam. F.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Litttle Dog, Lost

Author : Marion Dane Bauerand Illustrations: Jennifer A. Bell

Title: Little Dog, Lost

Genre : Realistic fiction

Rating: 9 out of 10

Recommended : to grade 2-4

    The story starts of with Buddy a poor dog abandoned by her owner and sent to a weird new home. Then  they introduce Mark a lonely boy without dad or any other siblings. Both in desperate need of each other .  So when the plan of a new dog park is coming together and a protest taking place this book will keep you reading till the end.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Out of Shadows by Jason Wallace

Title: Out of Shadows
Author: Jason Wallace
Genre: Historic Fiction
Page number: 280
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Out of Shadows is set in Zimbabwe during the 1980s. The country has just gained independence and the local whites are anger at the new president for taking their land. The story describes the effects of the restless echoes of national politics in a boys’ boarding school. The main character, Robert Jackin is British. Therefore he is an outsider among the local white boys and the few select blacks who have been admitted to the school. He must choose sides, having to deal with the racism, bullying, and violence.
I enjoyed this book mainly for the historical aspects of the issues in African countries resulting from the European decolonization of Africa. However, I found the story itself to be monotonous as most times and over the top at others. These issues still plague African countries today. The story line itself moves very slowly as Robert cycles through all three roles of bullying: victim, bully, and bystander. I felt that as the story progressed, he became more and more involved in the bullying. It was not until the end of the book that Robert understands his mistakes. I recommend this book to teenaged boys who have an interest in recent African political history.