Monday, June 11, 2012

I just posted to the main library blog about this book, Maggie Stiefvater's The Scorpio Races, and I wanted to recommend it here, too.  It's a great work of fantasy, vivid and romantic and eerie and suspenseful, so check it out.  (Lots more details in the other post.)

By the way, the main blog does have more posts on teen stuff, too.  Look at the middle column under Categories, toward the bottom, and you'll see the link to read all the Teen Book entries. 

I hope you're all finding good things to read this summer.  Probably no STAB meeting in July, either, as we're still (still, still, still!) waiting to hear about a teen librarian for the branch, so you'll have lots of good books to talk about when you meet again.

If you like this book as much as I did, let me know and I'll recommend some more things for you.