Monday, July 30, 2012

Just a Reminder!

Hi Everyone!

As I'm getting situated and discovering all of the fun teen stuff we have coming up, I thought I would remind you guys as to what we have on the schedule for the next month...

Tuesday, July 31st (tomorrow!) at 2:00pm we have a DDR program, so please stop by and introduce yourselves!

Monday, July 30th through Friday, August 3rd we can all continue voting, right here on the blog, for which movie we'd like to watch at August's Teen Movie Night.  Right now it's a tie, so gather some friends and start voting for which movie you'd like to see!

Saturday, August 4th at 2:00pm we have our August STAB meeting!  You'll have the chance to let me know what you'd like to see going on at the library - and since I'm so new, this will be your best chance to really start influencing and molding me into the Teen Librarian you'd like me to be.

Friday, August 10th at 6:00pm we have our After Hours Teen Movie Night!  Like I said, right now it's a tie...

So that's what we have planned for the next month.  Of course you can always access the calendar from the website.  And please start thinking of programs/events/other details you would like to discuss at future STAB meetings because I'd really love to hear your ideas!

Hope to see/meet you all soon!


Monday, July 23, 2012

Code Orange

Sorry, I'm really late posting this for you!  Sounds suspenseful.  Joan

Title: Code Orange
Author: Caroline B. Cooney
Genera: Realistic Fiction
Rating: 4 out of 5

Mitty doesn’t care about grades or really anything else. He waits till last minute to write his term paper about a disease. One day at his vacation home he finds a medical book about Small Pox, he opens and finds two scabs. He reaches and smells the scabs. While learning about Small Pox and researching the scabs it turns out he isn’t the only one who’s interested.

At Last!

Everyone, meet Siobhan, our new teen librarian.  I know, you were beginning to think we'd never have anyone to replace Karen, weren't you?

Here's what she has to say about herself:

Hi Everyone!
I’m Siobhan, the new Teen Librarian at the Sharonville branch!  I’m excited to start getting to know everyone, but in the mean time, here’s a little bit about me:
I’m originally from just outside Philadelphia, but went to college at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Go Big Red!) and then headed back to Philly for grad school.  I graduated from Drexel University with my MS in Library and Information Service only a couple years ago and have been enjoying life as a librarian ever since.  After spending some time in a public library setting, I found that my absolute favorite thing about my job was the teen programming and literature.  And that brought me to Sharonville!
I like to do a whole variety of things when I’m not working, including read (obviously!), watch movies, play games, experiment with crafty things, and generally just have fun.  Back in PA I spent the past 2 years as an assistant technical director at the high school’s theater program.  That means I had the awesome job of helping to design and build the sets of the high school’s theater productions (which is really just a combination of all the things I like to do outside of work).
Some other random things about me: My favorite book is usually the book that I’m currently reading – I love getting completely wrapped up in the story, characters, and setting.  I have a black cat named Binx, a weakness for celebrity gossip, and I would like to be Indiana Jones when I grow up.
I really look forward to meeting all of you, so if you see me pretending to know my way around the library, stop me and say hi!
Really, do come in and meet Siobhan, come to our DDR program on July 31 (2:00), come to the August Teen Movie Night (vote early and often for your choice of movie to the right), and STAB members, come to the first STAB meeting of the summer on August 4. 
We're already planning some programs for this fall--stuff in October to coincide with the next Rick Riordan book and for Star Wars Reads week, and then in December, Hobbit Day.  And whatever other exciting things you and Siobhan can think of!