Thursday, August 30, 2012

Program Update: September 2012

Hi Everyone!

With school back in session, I thought it might be helpful to post a mini program schedule here on the blog.  There's not a whole lot going on in September, but I'm working on a few programs for later in the fall that I hope you'll all be excited about, so stay tuned!

Saturday, September 1st @ 2pm = STAB Meeting
The Sharonville Teen Advisory Board (STAB) is a group of teens who meet once per month to discuss books and plan teen programs for the library.  And teens earn volunteer credit for attending!

Friday, September 14 @ 6:30pm = After Hours Movie Night for Teens
Don't forget to vote for which movie you'd like to see!  You can vote right here on the blog.

Wednesday, September 19 = International Talk Like A Pirate Day
Stop by during the day to participate in fun pirate-inspired activities and joins us for a pirate movie at 6pm!

If you have ideas for programs that you'd like to attend in the future, post a comment here on the blog, stop in at a STAB Meeting, or just find me in the library and let me know!

In other news... The Teen Scene area of the library is getting a mini-makeover!  We've been shifting things around to try and make more room for new materials.  And I may have added a Hunger Games READ poster :-)  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know!  As always, ideas are always welcome...


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

John Carter

At August's After-Hours Movie Night for Teens, we polled the attendees as a tie-breaker and ended up watching John Carter.

The movie John Carter is based on the book "A Princess of Mars," the first book in the Barsoom series, by Edgar Rice Burroughs.  In the film, John Carter's story is told to his nephew, Ned, through Carter's journal.  John Carter is a former Civil War soldier who gets transported to Mars via a medallion.  He is found by the Tharks, a group of green Martians, and learns that there is a massive war going on between the red Martian cities of Helium and Zodanga.  Through a series of events, John Carter finds the medallion he lost and is given the choice between returning to Earth and staying on Mars.

As a fan of action/adventure movies, I was looking forward to John Carter (despite what the critics have said) and I was not disappointed.  I have never read the Barsoom series, but was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't something I needed to have read in order to enjoy the movie.  While the summary does sound like something only sci-fi fans would enjoy, I recommend the movie to anyone who is up for a little fun and adventure.

Have you seen John Carter?  Have you read "A Princess of Mars"? Tell me what you thought!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Life As We Know it

Title:Life As We Know It
Author:Susan Beth Peffer
Genre:Science Fiction
Rating:3 out of 5

    The book Life As We Know It is about a meteor hitting the moon and bringing it closer to the earth this causes many natural disasters like floods and volcano's. The main character Miranda and her family have to struggle to survive with a scarcity of food and water and no electricity. Almost everything thing is a challenge and there is no guarantee that you will be alive the next day. I recommend this book to anyone one who likes  a science fiction thriller and is above the age of 12.