Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Hi Everyone!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  My favorite part is, of course, dressing up!  I love seeing all of the costumes that people come up with (especially the homemade kind!).  Some of my favorite costumes include Glinda from The Wizard of Oz, Cortana from Halo, and a contestant on Legends of the Hidden Temple (yeah Green Monkeys!).  What are some of your favorite costumes from years past?

Anyway, I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very Happy Halloween!  Have fun and, of course, stay safe :-)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Program Update: November & December 2012

Hi Everyone!

I can't believe it's that time already!  Time to tell you all about the teen programs we have coming up in November and December.  And, as always, feel free to let me know what type of programs you'd like to see offered at our library.  Even the smallest ideas can turn into something fun!

Saturday, November 3rd @ 2:00pm = STAB Meeting
The Sharonville Teen Advisory Board (STAB) is a group of teens who meet once per month to discuss books and plan teen programs for the library.  And earn volunteer credit for attending!

Friday, November 9th @ 6:30pm = Vampires vs. Werewovles
A special edition After Hours Movie Night!  Come celebrate the release of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 2 with us as we craft, eat, and enjoy all things Twilight themed.

Saturday, November 10th 2:00-4:00pm = National Gaming Day
Join us at the library for your favorite board games and card games (and maybe even a game of Twister)!  Or fill out a volunteer application and help the kids learn new games.

Saturday, November 3rd @ 2:00pm = STAB Meeting
The Sharonville Teen Advisory Board (STAB) is a group of teens who meet once per month to discuss books and plan teen programs for the library.  And earn volunteer credit for attending!

Saturday, December 8th = The Hobbit: A Library Celebration
In anticipation for the release of the movie The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, we're turning the library into Tolkien's world.  Check back later for an updated schedule of activites!

Friday, December 14th & Saturday, December 15th = Holiday Open House
Stop by the library for a "Thanks for being great patrons!" snack.  There will also be crafts and activities to do while you sip some hot cider.

See you all around!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Movie Mondays

Hi Everyone!
I have to say that my mind recently has been on all things related to The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.  I’ve rewatched The Lord of the Rings movies and am getting super excited for The Hobbit.  And that might be because we’ve been working hard on planning our Hobbit Day program (which will be Saturday, December 8 if you didn't know already).
For the latest info on The Hobbit, check out the website: Link! (and watch the trailer!)
Now, there are a few things I’m excited for in regards to The Hobbit.  The number one thing being that Peter Jackson will be back to direct the three part epic adventure.  I’m always glad when there’s consistency in directors when it’s a movie series and he obviously did an amazing job with The Lord of the Rings, so yay!  The number two thing I'm excited for is the appearance of characters who aren't exactly in The Hobbit (aka Frodo) or who are returning cast members.  It's good to know that the actors are just as excited about the movie, and reprising their roles, as the fans are.
So.  Do we have any Lord of the Rings or Hobbit fans?  What are your feelings on the upcoming movie?  Any ideas for our Hobbit Day program?  Let me know!