Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Author Visit: John Green!

Mark your calendars for Monday, October 15th at 7:00pm...
We just got some exciting news!  John Green, YouTube extraordinaire and New York Times best-selling author of Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, The Fault in Our Stars and Will Grayson, Will Grayson (which he co-wrote with David Levithan), is coming to Cincinnati!  He’ll be doing a book talk on The Fault in Our Stars followed by a book signing right at the Main Library (in The Reading Garden Lounge).  Sure, it's not at the Sharonville branch, but he's worth the drive!
For more information, check out the TeenSpace announcement: Link!
Haven’t read any of John Green's books yet?  Good thing we have tons of copies at the library!  Just stop in at the library and pick up a copy or head on over to the catalog and request a copy.
And, just for fun, check out John Green's YouTube channel: Link!
See ya there!

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