Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ghetto Cowboy Review

Ghetto CowboyGhetto Cowboy by G. Neri

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dropped off by his Mom to live with his Dad in a totally different city, Cole feels abandoned and rejected. Not only does he have to adjust to living with his dad, but he also has to adjust to living with horses in the middle of Philadelphia.

These urban stables are having a tough time surviving, but they do the best they can to provide good homes for unwanted horses and alternatives to gang life for the local teens.

Cole adjusted a little too quickly to this new life for my taste. One day he was angry and resistant and the next he was all gung-ho to save the horses and the stables. There should have been more reasons for Cole to come to acceptance. But, that's ok, I got over it.

Because this is written in Cole's voice, it can be sometime hard to follow. But, the improper English and slang gave the book authenticity. It would have been a worse book if the grammar was correct.

Quick read. Good for jr high reluctant reader.

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