Thursday, October 6, 2011

Every You, Every Me - Book review

Every You, Every MeEvery You, Every Me by David Levithan

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Evan is trying to deal with life without his best friend, Ariel. What exactly has happened to Ariel is unclear - did she die or has she been committed to a mental instution? Whatever happened, Evan feels that it is his fault.
Starting on Ariel's birthday, Evan comes across photographs and threatening notes that are definitely left for him. Is Ariel trying to make contact with him - is that even possible? - or is someone else trying to blame him for what has happened to Ariel?
One thing is for sure, Evan didn't know Ariel as well as he thought he did.

This would be a great book club book. There are several topics for discussion: what it means to be a friend, dealing with a mental illness, is it possibly to truly know someone?, and personal freedoms, just to name a few.

The short chapters (some being only a sentence or a photograph) makes it a quick read and good for a reluctant reader.

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