Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Still hoping. Still reading.

We're still interviewing librarians for Karen's job.   We're down to a few good people! 

What have you been up to in the meantime?  Read anything good lately?

I just put a hold on Insurgent, Veronica Roth's sequel to Divergent.  If you're up for more dystopian novels like The Hunger Games, try this series. 

The first dystopian novel I ever remember reading was John Christopher's series beginning with The White Mountains, about a group of teenagers who refuse to participate in the "capping" ceremony that brings the adults in their society under the control of alien tripods.  It's an old British series.  I'm not quite as old as it is, but the advantage to libraries is that you can read old stuff, too. 

It's kind of interesting to see what's different and what's the same in our view of a terrible future society between fifty years ago and now.  I think we were more worried about machines then than we are now.  I wonder what people fifty years from now will think of The Hunger Games as a symbol of American society today?


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