Thursday, January 17, 2013

Teen Book Club

Hi Everyone!

I've been getting lots of questions recently about starting up a Sharonville Teen Book Club at the library and I wanted to get your input!  There's a survey for interested patrons to fill out here at the library, but I wanted to post it here as well:

1.  Are you at least 12 years old?
2.  How many books have you read for fun since school started?
3.  What kind of book club would you like to join?  Check all that apply.
  • Read a book, then watch the movie
  • Read a book about a social problem, then do a service project to fix it
  • Everybody reads the same book, then talks about it together
  • Everybody reads whatever they like, then tells each other what they read
  • Read one kind of book (mystery, dystopian, etc.)
  • My idea of a great book club is...
4.  How often should the book club meet?
5.  What day and time is best for you to come to the book club?
6.  What days and times can you not come to the book club?

So answer the questions in the comment section below and let me know what kind of book club you'd like to be a part of!  And don't forget to check back often for updates on the club.


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