Wednesday, May 8, 2013

We Need YOU!

Hi Everyone!

It's that time of year again... We need teen volunteers for our Summer Reading Program!  This year's theme is "Power Up...Read!" which means (drum roll please!)... SUPERHEROES!  We're obviously SUPER excited about it (yeah, I had to) and are looking for some really cool teens to help us out.

So... Are you interested in helping out at the library while earning volunteer credit?  Stop by the library to pick up your very own application packet!  In that packet, you'll find an introduction to being a teen volunteer, an application, and a volunteer agreement form.  When the application and volunteer agreement form are completed, please turn them in at the service desk.  The next step will be scheduling an interview (don't worry - it's SUPER easy!) and figuring out your schedule.  If I'm here when you turn all of that in, we can do the interview right then and there so you won't need to stop back in.

If you have any questions at all, please leave a comment below or stop on over!  I look forward to meeting some great volunteers this year!


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