Friday, April 29, 2011

Happenings at the Sharonville Library Teen Scene

Recurring programs:

  • Anime Club - 1st Wednesday of the month, 4 pm

  • Crafty Teens - 2nd Wednesday of the month, 4 pm

  • Knitting and Crochet (ages 9 & up) - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 4 pm

  • Yu-Gi-Oh Open Gaming - 4th Wednesday of the month, 4 pm

  • After-hours Movie Night - 2nd Friday of the month, 6 pm

  • Sharonville Library Teen Advisory Board - share your ideas to make the library your own! - 1st Saturday of the month 2 pm

  • Sharonville Teens Online Book Club - (there's a link on the blog's sidebar)

There are usually a couple of "special" programs during the month:

  • Starting a Veggie Garden - Tuesday, May 17th, 3 pm - sign up required.

  • Rock Band 2 - Saturday, May 21st, 11 am

  • Live Music Night - June 1st, 4 - 6 pm - sign up if you're interested in performing

  • Madden 2011 - June 16th, noon

  • Duct Tape Father's Day Craft - June 18th, 4 pm

I'm always looking for new ideas for programs. You can share yours here or you can stop by for a Teen Advisory Board Meeting.

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