Monday, April 25, 2011

Royal Wedding Extravaganza!

Okay, so I've been trying to avoid all the Royal Wedding Hoopla but I was on vacation last week and was stuck inside because of all of the rain. And seeing that I would do just about anything other than vaccuum my house, I sorta got sucked into all things Will and Kate. And, seeing that I love to share, here's some gems. You're welcome.

So, will Kate (or Princess Catherine as she would like to be known) wear the big ol' fruu fruu dress like Princess Di?

My guess is no. But, Kate does have to bow down to certain royal guidelines. She has to be covered - no strapless or backless gowns. I see long sleeves - at least 3/4 length and long straight lines to show off her new VERY slim figure (she didn't go through all that work to hide underneath yards and yards of fabric). I do think that she will have a long train; I've heard rumors of 10 feet.

Did you know:

According to The Telegraph, Kate, at 29, will be the oldest "spinster" to ever marry a royal.
According to the Christian Science Monitor:
Kate's wedding band is made from the same hunk of Welsh gold as other royal bands.
Will had to ask the Queen for permission to propose to Kate.
After they are married, their titles will be: The Prince and Princess of Wales

And, I know that Will and Kate have to have a certain amount of stuffiness in their wedding and I do appreciate tradition but a part of me wishes that that this is how their wedding would start off.

Good luck and best wishes to Will and Kate!

Edit 4/29/11: Their titles are Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

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