Monday, May 9, 2011

What I'm Listening to Now

I have been close to obsessed with the album, Sigh No More, by Mumford & Sons, a West London folk band. I don't know how it's possible, but their songs are both melancholy and energizing at the same time. I had a copy of the cd checked out and had to return it because other people were waiting for it. I was disappointed to return it but, it was probably a good thing to give myself a break from it. I did put myself back on the waiting list. I highly recommend it!

I came across Fashion Nugget by CAKE late in the game. This cd was released in 1996. A few weeks ago I heard Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive on the radio and remembered that someone did a cover of it. I did a search on youtube and sure enough there it was. I think that I may like CAKE's version better than the original; slowing the tempo down and adding a more funky bass improves it.

And then, as I was going through the other tracks, I came across The Distance. This song was huge in the late 90s; I feel like it was part of the soundtrack for one of the driving video games (Gran Turismo, maybe?). Hearing it again brought me back to my college days.

There's another track on Fashion Nugget that I was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon: Stickshifts and Safetybelts. This is the theme song for Jane and Michael Stern's Where We Eat segment on The Splendid Table, the radio cooking show on American Public Media.

What songs are you listening to now, or what songs bring you back to a particular moment in time?

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