Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Because It's Not Going Away . . .

Ebooks are here to stay folks. In our library system alone, ebook circulation has gone up over 500% in the past year. I can't really even wrap my head around that number. At some point, the rate of increase will not be quite so dramatic, but it is obvious to those of us in the book world that ebooks need to be embraced by publishers, book sellers, and libraries if we want to remain viable.
Not only does the electronic format need to be embraced, but a whole new way of thinking about how authors interact with readers needs to be embraced as well. Enter Coliloquy.

Coliloquy is a digital publisher of active fiction, specializing in reader engagement and serial storytelling. We leverage advances in technology to create groundbreaking new forms of digital fiction. Available now for Amazon Kindle.
Reading and writing. Re-imagined.

Check it out, this could be the next big thing!

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