Monday, January 23, 2012

Hi, Plus My Favorite Teen Book from 2011

Hi, Karen invited me to join the blog because I greedily took Roddy Doyle's new book, A Greyhound of a Girl, from her stash of galleys of not-yet-published books, and she said I could read it if I review it. I will, promise, before it comes out in May.

I write for the blog on the library homepage, too, so please visit. I will give you just one link to a post there--it's for my favorite teen book of 2011, Catherynne M. Valente's The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making. I think it's a book for all ages, really, one of those books that will take you back to when you were very young and you never knew what marvelous things you might find when you opened a book.

It's not a massively detailed fantasy like Harry Potter is, but a quirky sort of unlikely story with unforgettable characters (a woman made of soap fragments! an orange lantern that speaks in beautiful golden letters!) and a heartbreakingly difficult adventure for the heroine. If you like classic works of fantasy like the Oz series (not just The Wizard of Oz movie), you'll like it.

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