Monday, September 10, 2012

I Would Like to Introduce... Movie Mondays!

Hi Everyone!
I have always been a huge fan of movies… so much so that I actually almost went to film school (and would have definitely become a famous director :-).  Yep, I’m that person who enjoys the behind-the-scenes and special features just as much as the movie itself.  So I thought it would be fun to discuss all things movie related here on the blog.  Whether we do movie reviews or discuss movie gossip, I’m planning on adding something to the blog on Mondays that’s completely movie related.  And I hope you’ll join in on the conversation!
So, let’s start off with the basics.  What was the last movie you watched and what did you think?  Let us know in the comments below!
For me, it was The Dark Knight Rises.  I know, I’m beyond late to the party.  BUT.  I absolutely loved it!  The acting was phenomenal, the technical side was amazing.  I just can’t say enough good things about it.  Christopher Nolan has done such an awesome job with the whole Batman series and I can’t wait to see what we’ll get from him next!  I won’t spoil any of it for you until it’s out on DVD and you can get a copy from the library (I’ll do a full review then!).  But I will tell you this… Go see it before it leaves theaters!  It will be 3 hours and a few bucks well spent, I promise.

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