Monday, September 24, 2012

Movie Mondays

Hi Everyone!
Let’s talk about some of your favorite movies of all time.  For me, that’s one of the hardest things to narrow down.  And when people ask “what is your favorite movie of all time?”… well, that’s just impossible to answer.  But I’m always curious to know if it’s a hard question for everyone to answer or if some people truly have a favorite movie of all time.
Some of my favorite movies (the ones that I can watch over and over and never get tired of), in no particular order, include:
Star Wars (A New Hope is, hands down, the best)
Indiana Jones (The Last Crusade is my favorite of the three… er… four)
Back to the Future (I shouldn’t even have to specify)
The Bourne Identity
Saving Private Ryan
A Knight’s Tale
Rear Window
As you can tell, I’m quite fond of the action/adventure type movies.  As long as it involves at least one action sequence or a heist, I’ll probably enjoy it.  I also like some girly movies, the Disney classics, and comedies.  But you’ll never catch me talking about horror movies.  I’d much rather spend my time watching stuff being blown up than suffer through watching a person tiptoe around a house terrified and crying.  And I’ve never heard anyone say “my favorite movie of all time is that horror movie…”
So, I’ll ask the impossible question… What is your favorite movie of all time? J

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