Monday, September 24, 2012

Movie Mondays

Hi Everyone!
Let’s talk about some of your favorite movies of all time.  For me, that’s one of the hardest things to narrow down.  And when people ask “what is your favorite movie of all time?”… well, that’s just impossible to answer.  But I’m always curious to know if it’s a hard question for everyone to answer or if some people truly have a favorite movie of all time.
Some of my favorite movies (the ones that I can watch over and over and never get tired of), in no particular order, include:
Star Wars (A New Hope is, hands down, the best)
Indiana Jones (The Last Crusade is my favorite of the three… er… four)
Back to the Future (I shouldn’t even have to specify)
The Bourne Identity
Saving Private Ryan
A Knight’s Tale
Rear Window
As you can tell, I’m quite fond of the action/adventure type movies.  As long as it involves at least one action sequence or a heist, I’ll probably enjoy it.  I also like some girly movies, the Disney classics, and comedies.  But you’ll never catch me talking about horror movies.  I’d much rather spend my time watching stuff being blown up than suffer through watching a person tiptoe around a house terrified and crying.  And I’ve never heard anyone say “my favorite movie of all time is that horror movie…”
So, I’ll ask the impossible question… What is your favorite movie of all time? J

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Teen Volunteer Opportunities: October 2012

Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to let you know that teens at the Sharonville Branch Library have the opportunity to volunteer at programs/events to earn volunteer credit (and generally have a fun time!).  Here’s a list of upcoming volunteer opportunities that we have available for teens:
Saturday, October 6 - Star Wars Reads DayIt’s not just about Star Wars and Reading, we’re also going to have activities for kids and we need teen volunteers to help out at stations.
Friday, October 12 - DIY GraveyardThere’s also After Hours Movie Night for Teens planned for that evening, but we’re hoping that some teens will want to help us create a graveyard instead.
Thursday, October 25 - Shiver in SharonvilleKids will come dressed in their Halloween costumes and trick-or-treat around the library, so we need teen volunteers to dress up (or at least wear a silly hat) and hand out candy.
I’ll keep you posted on upcoming volunteer opportunities so you can see what we have planned and pick which programs you’d like to help with.  Also, you’ll need to fill out an application and answer a few easy, interview-type questions (seriously, no pressure!) before you come to a program to volunteer.  So if you’re interested in volunteering, stop by the library and pick up an application asap!
Let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Update: John Green Video Contest

Hi Everyone!

As you may have heard (both here on the blog and on Teenspace), John Green is coming to Cincinnati!  He'll be at the Main Library doing a book talk and signing at 7:00pm on Monday, October 15th.

And now you can enter a contest to win front row seats for that book talk and signing!  Here's the video describing the contest and what you need to do to enter:

Basically, you have to create a video response describing what makes you a nerdfighter.  For the complete rules and requirements, check out the information in the box below the video (here's the link to the video on YouTube - Link!).  Good luck to those of you who enter!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Movie Mondays

Hi Everyone!
One of my favorite things to do is follow a movie from its creation, through production, until it’s released.  The whole production process has always been fascinating to me and it’s sort of neat to see the progression.  Especially when the movie is being made from a book.  And that’s partly because of the librarian in me and partly because I feel like I’m more involved with the production since I already know the story.  There are so many books being made into movies nowadays, it's hard to keep up!

Which upcoming movies are you most excited for?
I’m most excited for any and all news related to The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.  I mean, obviously.  I’ve never been so interested in following the making of any other movie franchise and I honestly think that everyone involved has done a fantastic job so far!  How do you guys feel about the new director and new cast members?  Have you seen that there’s still one more female character to cast, but no name attached to the role (yet!)?  Who do you think that will be?  My guess is Annie or maybe even Coin!
Leave a comment below telling me which movie (or movies) you’re most looking forward to!

Monday, September 10, 2012

I Would Like to Introduce... Movie Mondays!

Hi Everyone!
I have always been a huge fan of movies… so much so that I actually almost went to film school (and would have definitely become a famous director :-).  Yep, I’m that person who enjoys the behind-the-scenes and special features just as much as the movie itself.  So I thought it would be fun to discuss all things movie related here on the blog.  Whether we do movie reviews or discuss movie gossip, I’m planning on adding something to the blog on Mondays that’s completely movie related.  And I hope you’ll join in on the conversation!
So, let’s start off with the basics.  What was the last movie you watched and what did you think?  Let us know in the comments below!
For me, it was The Dark Knight Rises.  I know, I’m beyond late to the party.  BUT.  I absolutely loved it!  The acting was phenomenal, the technical side was amazing.  I just can’t say enough good things about it.  Christopher Nolan has done such an awesome job with the whole Batman series and I can’t wait to see what we’ll get from him next!  I won’t spoil any of it for you until it’s out on DVD and you can get a copy from the library (I’ll do a full review then!).  But I will tell you this… Go see it before it leaves theaters!  It will be 3 hours and a few bucks well spent, I promise.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Author Visit: John Green!

Mark your calendars for Monday, October 15th at 7:00pm...
We just got some exciting news!  John Green, YouTube extraordinaire and New York Times best-selling author of Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, The Fault in Our Stars and Will Grayson, Will Grayson (which he co-wrote with David Levithan), is coming to Cincinnati!  He’ll be doing a book talk on The Fault in Our Stars followed by a book signing right at the Main Library (in The Reading Garden Lounge).  Sure, it's not at the Sharonville branch, but he's worth the drive!
For more information, check out the TeenSpace announcement: Link!
Haven’t read any of John Green's books yet?  Good thing we have tons of copies at the library!  Just stop in at the library and pick up a copy or head on over to the catalog and request a copy.
And, just for fun, check out John Green's YouTube channel: Link!
See ya there!