Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Movie: Rise of the Planet Apes
Rating: 5out of 5
This movie is about Ceaser who is incredibly intelligent ape because of a test drug that was given to him. This drug was made to cure Alzheimer's. When Ceaser finds the cure and gives it to all the other Apes the city turns into chaos . 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser:

"Now in most fairy tales, this would be the moment where the fairy godmother showed up. In a flurry of wings and sparkles, a kindly fairy godknitter would descend upon our poor knitter and not only wave a magic wand and sort this sweater out, but have the leftover sock yard sorted out in a way that made is seem usable and reasonable, instead of a weirdly obsessive collection that nobody in their right mind would be keeping."

All Wound Up: the Yarn Harlot Writes for a Spin

by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

I've heard of Teaser Tuesdays for awhile and thought it might be fun to participate. The following is from the blog Should Be Reading

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

Grab your current read
Open to a random page
Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Here is my Teaser:

"My heart beat faster as I approached, a nervous rhythm that felt almost visible. I wasn't sure what to say and didn't know what I wanted more: for her to admit she was Fate or have no idea what I was talking about." ~p. 21, The Vision by Jen Nadol

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's That Time Again

After-Hours Movie Night

Friday, December 9th at 6 pm

I was VERY tempted to make all of the choices Christmas themed, but I decided to be nice and only include one. This month's choices are:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Super 8


Be sure to cast your vote on the poll for what to watch!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Top New movies this week!
1.The Twilight Saga's Breaking Dawn Part I
3.Happy Feet 2
4.The Muppets
5.Arthur Christmas

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I read the book PinBalls by Betsy Byars. This book is about three orphans Carlie, Harvey and Thomas J. Charli whose step dad threatened to hurt her. Tomas J. had been put at the door of the Benson Twins house and they took him in. After they both broke their hips Tomas J. was sent to foster care. The third child was Harvey whose drunk father ran over both his legs with a car. When these three orphans come to the same foster home the Masons home they start figure out they control there own fate.

Rating:4 out of 5
Genre: Relsisic Fiction
Author :Besty Byars

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Books for Review

The new crop of books are in that need to be reviewed:

Fetching by Kiera Stewart

Sound Bender by Lin Oliver and Theo Baker

Wolven: the Twilight Circus by Di Toft (this is a sequel)

Double Eagle by Sneed B. Collard III

Finding Somewhere by Joseph Monninger

The Vision by Jen Nadol (another sequel)

Moonglass by Jessi Kirby

Lost Crown by Sarah Miller

Leave a comment on this post to claim a book to review.

Many of these sound so good that I may ask to borrow them when you're done so that I can read them!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2012 Debut Challenge

One of the blogs that I follow: The Story Siren has had a reading challenge for the past few years. She calls it the Debut Author Challenge. The challenge is to read 12 books by debut authors of Young Adult Fiction during the year (one for each month).
This is the first year that I'm signing up for it. If you're interested in giving it a try, you can sign up here or by clicking on the button on the sidebar.
You do have to create a Goodreads account, which is very simple. You can also find lists of debut authors on Goodreads. One is 2012 Debut Authors (Young Adult & Middle Grade).
Happy Reading!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hunger Games Trailer

A full trailer for The Hunger Games movie was just released. It looks very promising! From what I could tell from the 2 minute trailer, the movie is trying to stay pretty faithful to the book, which is a huge relief. I think that is always the fear of every book lover: will the look and feel of the book carry over to the big screen.
I am always impressed with the producers and directors that get it right. It has to be hard to translate the emotion and detail from a couple hundred page book to a 2 hour movie.
Here's hoping that The Hunger Games is as good on the silver screen as is is on the page!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Results Are In!

The 2011 Teens' Top Ten List is in.

Did your favorite make the list?

Teen Read Week

Celebrate Teen Read Week at the Library!

Read-a-thon on Saturday, October 22 beginning at 10 am.

Prize for who reads the longest!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

After Hours Movie Night

Here are the choices for the next After Hours Movie night which is:

Friday, October 14th at 6 pm

Fast Five

Green Lantern



Follow the links, read about each movie and then use the poll on the sidebar to vote for which one you want to watch.

This Dark Endeavor Book Review

This Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor FrankensteinThis Dark Endeavor: The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein by Kenneth Oppel

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In this prequel to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the teen Victor Frankenstein is searching for the Elixir of Life that may cure his twin brother's illness. Victor discovers his ancestor's "Dark Library" that holds many forbidden alchemical texts. Even though his father repeatedly forbids Victor from entering the library or dabbling in alchemy, Victor is determined to try anything to save his brother's life.

This is an adventurous tale that gives a background to one of the most infamous literary scientists. We learn why Victor becomes so determined to dance along the lines of nature, science and magic with many foreshadowings to the classic novel, Frankenstein.

This is a good read for anyone who enjoys an adventure tale, historical novel, "fractured fairy tale", and/or a love traingle.

Also, look for the movie to be released in 2013.

View all my reviews

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Every You, Every Me - Book review

Every You, Every MeEvery You, Every Me by David Levithan

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Evan is trying to deal with life without his best friend, Ariel. What exactly has happened to Ariel is unclear - did she die or has she been committed to a mental instution? Whatever happened, Evan feels that it is his fault.
Starting on Ariel's birthday, Evan comes across photographs and threatening notes that are definitely left for him. Is Ariel trying to make contact with him - is that even possible? - or is someone else trying to blame him for what has happened to Ariel?
One thing is for sure, Evan didn't know Ariel as well as he thought he did.

This would be a great book club book. There are several topics for discussion: what it means to be a friend, dealing with a mental illness, is it possibly to truly know someone?, and personal freedoms, just to name a few.

The short chapters (some being only a sentence or a photograph) makes it a quick read and good for a reluctant reader.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What District Are You?

In a pretty nifty marketing campaign, Lionsgate (or some company associated with The Hunger Games movie) has created a website based on The Capitol and all the Districts. It's a good way to get you back in the nation of Panem!
Oh, and I am from the Masonry District, District 2.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

New Movie Abduction

Plot: Abduction

For as long as he can remember, Nathan Harper (Taylor Lautner) has had the uneasy feeling that he's living someone else's life. When he stumbles upon an image of himself as a little boy on a missing persons website, all of Nathan's darkest fears come true: he realizes his parents are not his own and his life is a lie, carefully fabricated to hide something more mysterious and dangerous than he could have ever imagined.

Just as he begins to piece together his true identity, Nathan is targeted by a team of trained killers, forcing him on the run with the only person he can trust, his neighbor, Karen (Lily Collins). Every second counts as Nathan and Karen race to evade an army of assassins and federal operatives. But as his opponents close in, Nathan realizes that the only way he'll survive -- and solve the mystery of his elusive biological father -- is to stop running and take matters into his own hands.

Run Time:
Theatrical Release Date:
In Theaters
John Singleton
Taylor Lautner , Alfred Molina , Antonique Smith , Maria Bello , Jason Isaacs

Source: Movieform.com

Friday, September 30, 2011

Inside Out and Back Again Review

Inside Out and Back AgainInside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

While I was reading the books that were selected for our Mock-Newbery Award this year, I found myself favoring the one just read. And it happened again. I really enjoyed Inside Out and Back Again and it is my choice for our Mock-Newbery Award. I was hesitant to make that decision because I was worried that maybe I thought it was the best because it was the freshest in my mind, but I decided that is not true here are some of my reasons:

It's age appropriate. While Okay For Now and Small as an Elephant aren't necessarily inappropriate, I can't see myself suggesting them to 8 - 12 year-olds. And while Junonia was age appropriate, there wasn't enough to the plot to be able to "sell" it.

It's written in verse. While poetry may turn some readers off, it may appeal to reluctant readers (not as many words to a page).

It's historical fiction. Historical fiction is often assigned reading for schools and you can only suggest Johnny Tremain so many times.

It has a strong female main character.

It's a good description of what it's like to live during wartime and what it's like to be an immigrant. People who move to a new country, for whatever reason, where language and customs are, well, foreign, are incredibly brave.

It'll be interesting to see what they results are of this year's Mock-Newbery Award.

View all my reviews

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Title: Book of Spells a private prequel
Author: Kate Brian
Genera: Fantasy
Ratings: 4 out of 5
All Eliza Williams wants is to be free, no one to tell her how to act, dress, and what to read. And one day while discovering she finds the book of spell. What starts like harmless fun won’t end that way. The Billings girls find them self in more trouble than they ever imagined.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Books for Review

Here are few titles that need to be reviewed:

Alibi Junior High by Greg Logsted

The Yo-Yo Prophet by Karen Krossing - Advanced Reading Copy

Robert Pattinson: Shining Star (Celebrity Biographies) by Michael A. Schuman

First Day on Earth by Cecil Castellucci - Advanced Reading Copy

Lightbringer by K.D. McEntire - Advanced Reading Copy

Forever by Maggie Stiefvater

STAB members, leave a comment with which title you want to read/review so that we all know what is taken/still avaiable. If anyone else is interested in reviewing these books, let me know and I'll talk to you about becoming a Sharonville Teen Advisory Board member!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

No More Dead Dogs

Title: No More Dead Dogs

Author: Gordon Korman

Genera: Realistic Fiction

Ratings : 4 out of 5

This book was about Wallace Wallace, star of the Giants football team. Wallace doesn’t like the book ‘Old Sheep My Pal’ so writes a bad review about it. His English teacher tells him he has detention until he writes a decent report. Not only is he banned from football he also has to sit at play rehearsals for detention. He doesn’t rewrite the report but starts helping direct the play. It’s a humorous book that you won’t put down until you’re done.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ghetto Cowboy Review

Ghetto CowboyGhetto Cowboy by G. Neri

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dropped off by his Mom to live with his Dad in a totally different city, Cole feels abandoned and rejected. Not only does he have to adjust to living with his dad, but he also has to adjust to living with horses in the middle of Philadelphia.

These urban stables are having a tough time surviving, but they do the best they can to provide good homes for unwanted horses and alternatives to gang life for the local teens.

Cole adjusted a little too quickly to this new life for my taste. One day he was angry and resistant and the next he was all gung-ho to save the horses and the stables. There should have been more reasons for Cole to come to acceptance. But, that's ok, I got over it.

Because this is written in Cole's voice, it can be sometime hard to follow. But, the improper English and slang gave the book authenticity. It would have been a worse book if the grammar was correct.

Quick read. Good for jr high reluctant reader.

View all my reviews

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Okay For Now Book Review

Okay for NowOkay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This reminded me a lot of Bridge to Terabithia: boy at new school struggling to fit in, not great family situation, friendship with girl. It was interesting that most of the relationships that Doug created were with the adults around him. The scenes at school dealt more with his teachers than the other students. I want to read The Wednesday Wars now.

View all my reviews

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hurricanes on the Brain

All the news about Hurricane Irene got me to thinking about hurricanes in general. I found out a few interesting facts:

Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean runs from June 1 to November 30

Australians call hurricanes willy-willies

The word hurricane comes from the Taino Native American word, hurucane, meaning evil spirit of the wind.

Hurricanes are the only weather disasters that have been given their own names.

Every second, a large hurricane releases the energy of 10 atomic bombs.

In the Pacific Ocean, hurricanes are called typhoons; in the Indian Ocean, they are call tropical cyclones.

The planet Jupiter has a hurricane that has been going on for over 300 years. It can be seen as a red spot on the planet. This hurricane on Jupiter is larger than the Earth itself.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Book Club Title

This month's online book club title is Tangerine by Edward Bloor. Pick up a copy at the Library and join in the discussion at Goodreads.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Be Sure to Vote!

The choices for the next After-Hours Movie Night:


Jurassic Park

Jane Eyre


Click on the links to find out what they're about then vote for your choice using the poll on the sidebar.

The next After-Hours Movie Night is next Friday, September 9th at 6 pm.

Monday, August 29, 2011

MTV Video Music Awards

In case you missed it, here are the winners from the VMAs. The Library doesn't have the videos but we do have the cds! Check out the winners.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What I've Been Reading

Small as an ElephantSmall as an Elephant by Jennifer Richard Jacobson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Good for a tween. It's not action-packed but it is suspenseful in an emotional/psychological way. It's a good opportunity to talk about mental illness.

View all my reviews

Leviathan (Leviathan, #1)Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm not sure why I waited so long to read this one - it was SO much fun. The characters are very real and likeable (I won't be surprised if I start exclaiming like Deryn, "Barking spiders!" and "Blisters!"). The narrator of the audio version is excellent. Good for tweens to teens.

View all my reviews

Always Lots of Heinies at the ZooAlways Lots of Heinies at the Zoo by Ayun Halliday

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This may be my new favorite book. I know of at least 7 kids that would think it is hilarious.

View all my reviews

Stolen: A letter to my captorStolen: A letter to my captor by Lucy Christopher

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was expected there to be more to make the reader like Ty. I didn't uderstand why all of a sudden Gemma's feelings towards her kidnapper would change. But, I guess that's what happens with Stockholm Syndrome. And I liked the point of view - Gemma writing to Ty. It showed that even she didn't understand her feelings towards Ty. I think I'm going to be thinking about this one for awhile.

View all my reviews

If you haven't already, you should creat an account at Goodreads. It's a fun way to keep track of what you've read and find new titles.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School

Oh, I hate to bring it up but, it's that time of year again. I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. I know I did. It was too quick but whatcha gonna do. I hope you enjoy this from the incomparable Adam Sandler.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hhhmm , This Could Be Interesting

Turning comics/graphic novels into movies has been all the rage the past few years. Here's one that could be very interesting. I love just about anything that Johnny Depp touches and with a description like, "a cross between The Thing and Stargate", I'm going to keep my eye out for this one.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Haven't Mention the Hunger Games Movie in Awhile

There are some pics posted from the upcoming Hunger Games movie. Can you tell that I'm excited about this flick?

Monday, August 8, 2011

After-Hours Movie Night

Here are the choices for this month's After-Hours Movie Night which is this Friday, August 12th at 6 pm. Be sure to vote for your pick!

Soul Surfer


Red Riding Hood

Battle: Los Angeles

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Book Club Title

The title for this month's book club is:

Stolen by Lucy Christopher

Pick up a copy at the Library and join the discussion at


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Girls Taking Over the World Book Tour

There's a great (and free) way to meet some authors this summer. Meet Lara Zielin (The Implosion of Aggie Winchester), Rhonda Stapleton (Stupid Cupid), Christine Johnson (Claire de Lune) and Saundra Mitchell (The Vespertine) when they come to the area in late August.
They will be at the Campbell County Public Library on August 26th where they will be joined by Julie Kagawa (Iron Fey). They will then be at the Blue Manatee Book Store in Oakley on August 27th where they wil be joined by Sara Bennett Wealer (RIVAL).


Thursday, July 7, 2011

ThunderCats - Ho!

I just found out that one of my favorite 80's cartoons, ThunderCats, is being remade and premiering on Cartoon Network at the end of the month. And while I wasn't as into the cartoon as these guys, I'm still pretty excited about it.

Here's a link to a leaked preview. The animation looks really great.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

War Horse Book Review

War HorseWar Horse by Michael Morpurgo

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I stumbled across this book and thought I would like it (I can't resist a horse or dog story even though I'm always afraid that I'll have to deal with them dying at the end), then I heard that it's being made into a movie and that it's a Broadway play that won a bunch of Tonys.

It's not as moving as I thought it would be; it didn't get as emotional as Black Beauty but I still enjoyed it. This would be good for a younger teen. I'm very curious how it translates to the stage and screen.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Before I Fall

Before I FallBefore I Fall by Lauren Oliver

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I could not get myself to like or feel sorry for Samantha. She was too much of a brat to make up for in a week's time.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Be Sure to Vote!

The poll is up for what to watch for movie night. The next After-Hours Movie Night is:

July 8th at 6 pm

Click on the links to check out the trailers:

Sucker Punch

I Am Number 4


Red Riding Hood

Monday, June 27, 2011

I am Number 4

I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies #1)I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Really great read for reluctant reader. It's faced paced with interesting characters. The ending leves it open for a sequel and I'll definitely read it if there is one. I'm looking forward to watching the movie.

View all my reviews

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Zombies Vs. Unicorns Review

Zombies vs. UnicornsZombies vs. Unicorns by Holly Black

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

These are all really good stories; I could imagine many of them being expanded and made into movies. It was a close call, but I think I'm team zombie.

Pretty much all of the stories are more suited for older teens. Even the unicorn stories are on the "mature" side.

View all my reviews

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Book Club Title

This month's book is:

Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Pick up a copy at the branch or download it from the Ohio ebook Project

There are discussion questions on Goodreads

Look for our group: Sharonville Teens Online Book Club

Feel free to respond to the current topic or create a new one!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day Duct Tape Craft

We had a lot of fun making duct tape wallets for Father's Day. Here's instructions on how to make them for those who couldn't make it.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This Week's Programs at the Library

So, I am a little behind in posting this but . . .

Wilderness Survival Skills presented by the Hamilton County Park District.
Tonight! 5 pm

Madden 2011
Thursday at noon

Father's Day Duct Tape Craft
Saturday, 4 pm

New Series on ABC Family

There's a new series that just started on ABC Family. The Nine Lives of Chloe King is based on the books by Celia Thomson. For those you enjoy teens with paranormal abilities, it's looks like a great show. I missed the premiere last night, but I'm going to watch it online as soon as I can.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Reading Stats So Far

So far, 109 teens have signed up for Summer Reading at the Sharonville Branch Library. These teens have spent almost 570 hours reading. That's fantastic!
For those who have already signed up - keep reading and logging those hours! And to those who haven't signed up yet - what are you waiting for?!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

X Men First Class

I went to see X-Men First Class over the weekend. My husband is a big comic book fan so, I was a little concerned that he would be disappointed with the way the characters were handled (he commented on how Mystique was never an X-Man when we first saw the trailer), but it passed muster with him. And I enjoyed it very much. I especially liked the cameos by Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) and Rebecca Romijn (adult Mystique).
Now that the temperature has hit 90, go cool off at the theater with your favorite mutants.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Fire Up the Grill!

While Memorial Day Weekend has become known as the unofficial start of Summer as well as for the Indianapolis 500, there is a much more somber reason for the holiday: it is the day set aside to remember the men and women who have died in any U.S. military action.
So, go ahead and enjoy your burgers on the grill and lounging by the pool but, take a few minutes to think of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hunger Games Movie Update

I just heard that Woody Harrelson has been cast as Haymitch Abernathy in The Hunger Games. Can I just say that I think he is perfect for this role. I can totally see him as the tough and curmudgeonly Haymitch who's hiding his personal demons from his time in The Games.
I'm getting more and more excited about this movie!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Book Club Title

This month's Book Club book is Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen. Dessen is one of my favorite authors. She generally has smart female lead characters who have to deal with some sort of family drama. She's about the closest to chic lit that I get.
Grab a copy of the book at the library and post a comment on Goodreads.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Looking for Something to Do This Summer?

Why not volunteer at the Library? Help people log their Summer Reading entries and hand out prizes (it so much fun to see little faces light up when you hand them their prizes!).
I'm not looking for a huge time commitment - just 2 - 6 hours a week from June 1st to July 31st.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

End of School Year Celebration

I'm still looking for teen music performers for the Live Music program that's scheduled for Wednesday June 1st from 4 - 6 pm at the library.
Contact me ASAP if you or any of your friends would be interested in putting on a short performance (it can be just one or two songs).

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Did You Know These Were Books First?

I was surprised to come across the book Invisible by Mats Wahl a few days ago. I remember that the movie came out a few years ago but I didn't know that it was a book. I started thinking about some of the other movies that were originally books. We all know about Harry Potter, the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, and the Lord of the Rings but did you know about these:

Beastly by Alex Flinn

It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O'Malley

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen by Dyan Sheldon

How to Deal based on two books by Sarah Dessen - That Summer and Someone Like You

The Mighty based on Freak the Mighty by W. R. Philbrick - another bit of trivia: this movie was filmed mostly in Cincinnati.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kudos to Brandon Philips!

Cincinnati Reds second baseman, Brandon Phillips, made quite an impression with a local Little League Team when he showed up after being tweeted about their game.
What a cool story and what a class act. Keep up the good karma Mr. Phillips!
I don't generally take the time to vote for All-Star players but, I making an effort this year. Here's the link to vote for Brandon Phillips. While you're at it, go ahead and vote for the other Reds. They're all looking good this year!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Join Team Read!

Summer's almost here, which means it's time to sign up for the Summer Reading Program. There are some great prizes this summer including a Nook Color for each child, teen and adult who reads the most at each location!
The program runs from June 1st to July 31st but you can register now for Team Read.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

In Need of Book Reviewers

I have 8 books that need to be reviewed:

The Enough Moment: fighting to end Africa's Worst Human Rights Crimes by John Prendergast with Don Cheadle

Abandon by Meg Cabot

The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta

Tracking the Chupacabra: the vampire beast in fact, fiction, and folklore by Benjamin Radford

Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready

Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey

A Touch Mortal by Leah Clifford

Like Mandarin by Kirsten Hubbard

This is a great way to get your hands on a hot new book without waiting on a Holds list. The reviewing is easy - just a short summary and what you think about the book.
Let me know if you want to give it a try!

Monday, May 9, 2011

What I'm Listening to Now

I have been close to obsessed with the album, Sigh No More, by Mumford & Sons, a West London folk band. I don't know how it's possible, but their songs are both melancholy and energizing at the same time. I had a copy of the cd checked out and had to return it because other people were waiting for it. I was disappointed to return it but, it was probably a good thing to give myself a break from it. I did put myself back on the waiting list. I highly recommend it!

I came across Fashion Nugget by CAKE late in the game. This cd was released in 1996. A few weeks ago I heard Gloria Gaynor's I Will Survive on the radio and remembered that someone did a cover of it. I did a search on youtube and sure enough there it was. I think that I may like CAKE's version better than the original; slowing the tempo down and adding a more funky bass improves it.

And then, as I was going through the other tracks, I came across The Distance. This song was huge in the late 90s; I feel like it was part of the soundtrack for one of the driving video games (Gran Turismo, maybe?). Hearing it again brought me back to my college days.

There's another track on Fashion Nugget that I was pleasantly surprised to stumble upon: Stickshifts and Safetybelts. This is the theme song for Jane and Michael Stern's Where We Eat segment on The Splendid Table, the radio cooking show on American Public Media.

What songs are you listening to now, or what songs bring you back to a particular moment in time?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another Reason to Wear a Big Funny Hat

Well, we survived the fashions of last week's royal wedding but there is another reason for the ladies to wear a big ol' funny hat: The Kentucky Derby. I'm not much of a gambler, but I do enjoy an exciting race. To help make it exciting, I like to pick out my own personal favorite to root for. And with a field of 20 horses, there are a lot to choose from.

I like Mucho Macho Man because if he wins (and he has pretty good odds), it will be the first time that a female trainer will win the Derby.
I like Pants on Fire because I like the name and he has a female jockey.
But, I think I will be rooting for Watch Me Go because I have a soft spot for the underdog (and with the #20 post position and long shot odds, he's definitely an underdog) and he also has a female trainer.

I can't wait for the most exciting 2 minutes in sports!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Can I Have My Paycheck Sent Directly to the Movie Theater?

Even though it's still a little early for the Summer Blockbuster season to start, the first movie that I am excited to go see this year is opening this weekend. I started to think about everything that I want to actually go to the theater to see and I realized that I am going to be dropping some serious buckage for movies over the next few months. Here's what I want to see. Let me know what you can't wait to see this year.

Thor - May 6th
Pirates of the Caribbean: on Stranger Tides - May 20th
Kung Fu Panda 2 - May 26th
X-Men First Class - June 3rd
Super 8 - June 10th
Art of Getting By - June 17th
Green Lantern - June 17th
Cars 2 - June 24th
Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon - July 1st
Zookeeper - July 8th
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - July 15th
Captain America: the First Avenger - July 22nd
Cowboys and Aliens - July 29th

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

After-Hours Movie Night

The next After-Hours Movie Night is next Friday, May 13th at 6 pm.
Look for the poll on the sidebar and be sure to vote for what you want to watch.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Happenings at the Sharonville Library Teen Scene

Recurring programs:

  • Anime Club - 1st Wednesday of the month, 4 pm

  • Crafty Teens - 2nd Wednesday of the month, 4 pm

  • Knitting and Crochet (ages 9 & up) - 3rd Wednesday of the month, 4 pm

  • Yu-Gi-Oh Open Gaming - 4th Wednesday of the month, 4 pm

  • After-hours Movie Night - 2nd Friday of the month, 6 pm

  • Sharonville Library Teen Advisory Board - share your ideas to make the library your own! - 1st Saturday of the month 2 pm

  • Sharonville Teens Online Book Club - goodreads.com (there's a link on the blog's sidebar)

There are usually a couple of "special" programs during the month:

  • Starting a Veggie Garden - Tuesday, May 17th, 3 pm - sign up required.

  • Rock Band 2 - Saturday, May 21st, 11 am

  • Live Music Night - June 1st, 4 - 6 pm - sign up if you're interested in performing

  • Madden 2011 - June 16th, noon

  • Duct Tape Father's Day Craft - June 18th, 4 pm

I'm always looking for new ideas for programs. You can share yours here or you can stop by for a Teen Advisory Board Meeting.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Graphic Novels

I just attended a webinar on graphic novels; here are some that I thought sounded entertaining:

Geppetto has been killed by vampires. Pinnocchio is out for revenge and he has an unending supply of wooden stakes - all he has to do is tell a lie and break off his nose.

This is a great premise and it also rides on the current vampire wave.

Tony Chu is one heck of a detective. He gets psychic impressions from everything he eats. He can tell you whodunit just by taking a bite out of the victim.

This falls under the category of "So gross that I have to read it".

This is a prequel to the movie, Serenity.

OK, so this one wasn't included in the webinar but I had to add it here. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the TV series that both the movie and graphic novel are based on, Firefly. Think western in space.

Woodland fantasy adventure of a girl and her dog. For fans of The Hobbit, Bone, or Owly.

There's nothing I like more than a "girl and her dog" story.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Royal Wedding Extravaganza!

Okay, so I've been trying to avoid all the Royal Wedding Hoopla but I was on vacation last week and was stuck inside because of all of the rain. And seeing that I would do just about anything other than vaccuum my house, I sorta got sucked into all things Will and Kate. And, seeing that I love to share, here's some gems. You're welcome.

So, will Kate (or Princess Catherine as she would like to be known) wear the big ol' fruu fruu dress like Princess Di?

My guess is no. But, Kate does have to bow down to certain royal guidelines. She has to be covered - no strapless or backless gowns. I see long sleeves - at least 3/4 length and long straight lines to show off her new VERY slim figure (she didn't go through all that work to hide underneath yards and yards of fabric). I do think that she will have a long train; I've heard rumors of 10 feet.

Did you know:

According to The Telegraph, Kate, at 29, will be the oldest "spinster" to ever marry a royal.
According to the Christian Science Monitor:
Kate's wedding band is made from the same hunk of Welsh gold as other royal bands.
Will had to ask the Queen for permission to propose to Kate.
After they are married, their titles will be: The Prince and Princess of Wales

And, I know that Will and Kate have to have a certain amount of stuffiness in their wedding and I do appreciate tradition but a part of me wishes that that this is how their wedding would start off.

Good luck and best wishes to Will and Kate!

Edit 4/29/11: Their titles are Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Friday, April 22, 2011

New Book Club Title

This month's title that our online book club will be discussing is Last Summer of the Death Warriors by Francisco Stark. Join Goodreads and take part in the discussion. Our group name is Sharonville Teens Online Book Club.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Story Siren: Children’s Choice Book Awards & Giveaway

The Story Siren: Children’s Choice Book Awards & Giveaway: "Voting has begun for the Children’s Choice Book Awards, the only national children’s book program where winning titles are selected by young..."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Minute to Win It

This Saturday, April 16th at 2 pm, we will be playing Minute to Win It. Challenge your friends to see if you can complete the challenge in 60 seconds! Let me know that you're coming; either post a comment here or give me a call at the library, 369-6049.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New Arrivals

Did you know about the New Arrivals section of the Library's web page? New books in all sorts of categories are posted here when they come in (or are about to come in) Here's the link to the new teen fiction. You can even subscribe to the feed so that you are notifed when books are added.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Photography Contest Display

The theme for last year's Teen Photography Contest was Monster Madness. The winners (one of which is from Sharonville - yay!) and honorable mentions are currently on display at the library. Come check them out; maybe they will inspire you to enter the contest in the fall.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hunger Games Cast Update

Lionsgate just announced the actors for Peeta and Gale. Union, KY - native Josh Hutcherson will be playing Peeta and Australia-born Liam Hemsworth will be playing Gale. Last I heard, release is set for 2012. Let the countdown begin!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hunger Games Movie Cast

Jennifer Lawrence has been announced as Katniss in The Hunger Games movie. Who do you think would be good for Peeta, Gale or any of the other characters? Here are some suggestions.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Check out the trailer, Check out the book

Here are trailers for some new books that I thought sounded good. If you think so too, check them out at the library! Death Cloud (Young Sherlock Holmes # 1) by Andrew Lane Cloaked by Alex Flinn I am J by Cris Beam Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann


I thought that the new Harry Potter movie was being released next week but it's not released until April 15th. Any vote for Harry will count for the new Chronicles of Narnia movie: Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Movie Night

The next after-hours movie night is next Friday, April 8th. Be at the library by 6 pm. so that I can order pizza. Take the poll in the sidebar to vote on what to watch.

Hey! It's a blog!

Alright, I'm going to try to keep a blog going. This is the third blog that I have tried (the first for Sharonville Teens) and you know what they say about the third time. So, I have high hopes for this one. One way to be sure that they blog stays current and active is to have participation from the local teens. If you are interesting in contributing to this blog, let me know! My intention is for this blog to not just be the happenings of the library and all things teen book but to have anything and everything that teens are interested in (ie movies, music, pop culture and yes, books).