Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Program Update: January 2013

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to start out with a HUGE thank you to those of you who attended our Hobbit program – It was a lot of fun and very much a success!  What was your favorite part of the day?

January is the start of a new year and we’re trying a few new things.  So look out for some changes to times and days below, then let me know what you think!

January 2013:

Saturday, January 5th @ 10:30am = STAB Meeting
The Sharonville Teen Advisory Board (STAB) is a group of teens who meet once per month to discuss books and plan teen programs for the library.  And earn volunteer credit for attending!

Wednesday, January 16th @ 6:00pm = Teen Movie Night
You’ve made it halfway through the week!  Come celebrate with a movie and snacks at the Sharonville Branch.  We’re showing “Back to the Future” this month – something that I believe every teen should watch and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 30th @ 7:00pm = DIY Books
Make personalized journals, notebooks, scrapbooks, and more using different types of paper and binding techniques.  Perfect for the new year!

Coming Soon: The STAB agenda.  It’s been requested that I post the STAB agenda before the meeting so you’ll know what to expect (and, of course, be able to come prepared with some great ideas!).  Let me know if there is anything you'd like to discuss at the next meeting so I can put it on the agenda.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Hobbit: A Library Celebration!

Hi Everyone!

With December just around the corner, I thought I should finally leak all of the information on our upcoming program called "The Hobbit: A Library Celebration" which is being held on Saturday, December 8th!

This is going to be a HUGE event!  We'll have tons of crafts, activities, presenters, and prizes.  Some of the highlights include (but are not limited to!):
  • Decorate your own canvas travel bags
  • Make your own Elven brooch
  • Answer some of Gollum's riddles
  • Create your own Middle-Earth crown
  • Piece together a dragon bookmark
  • Discover Middle-Earth with maps
  • Practice your rune writing
  • Find out what inspired Tolkien
  • Watch a wizard make magic out of paper
  • Enjoy swordfight reenactments
Like I said, there will be tons to do!  So stop the Sharonville Branch Library now to pick up a flyer and official schedule of events so you don't miss your favorite activities.  And please help us send a HUGE thank you to our friends at Warner Bros. for supplying us with a plethora of prizes for you guys to win (yes, that actually happened)!

Also, we still need volunteers to help us with the activities we have scheduled for the day, so please stop by the library and ask how you can help out!  Costumes would be fantastic, but are not required.

And, of course, be sure to check out the movie's website: link!  Who will be seeing The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey?!  Let us know in the comments below.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Hi Everyone!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  My favorite part is, of course, dressing up!  I love seeing all of the costumes that people come up with (especially the homemade kind!).  Some of my favorite costumes include Glinda from The Wizard of Oz, Cortana from Halo, and a contestant on Legends of the Hidden Temple (yeah Green Monkeys!).  What are some of your favorite costumes from years past?

Anyway, I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very Happy Halloween!  Have fun and, of course, stay safe :-)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Program Update: November & December 2012

Hi Everyone!

I can't believe it's that time already!  Time to tell you all about the teen programs we have coming up in November and December.  And, as always, feel free to let me know what type of programs you'd like to see offered at our library.  Even the smallest ideas can turn into something fun!

Saturday, November 3rd @ 2:00pm = STAB Meeting
The Sharonville Teen Advisory Board (STAB) is a group of teens who meet once per month to discuss books and plan teen programs for the library.  And earn volunteer credit for attending!

Friday, November 9th @ 6:30pm = Vampires vs. Werewovles
A special edition After Hours Movie Night!  Come celebrate the release of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 2 with us as we craft, eat, and enjoy all things Twilight themed.

Saturday, November 10th 2:00-4:00pm = National Gaming Day
Join us at the library for your favorite board games and card games (and maybe even a game of Twister)!  Or fill out a volunteer application and help the kids learn new games.

Saturday, November 3rd @ 2:00pm = STAB Meeting
The Sharonville Teen Advisory Board (STAB) is a group of teens who meet once per month to discuss books and plan teen programs for the library.  And earn volunteer credit for attending!

Saturday, December 8th = The Hobbit: A Library Celebration
In anticipation for the release of the movie The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, we're turning the library into Tolkien's world.  Check back later for an updated schedule of activites!

Friday, December 14th & Saturday, December 15th = Holiday Open House
Stop by the library for a "Thanks for being great patrons!" snack.  There will also be crafts and activities to do while you sip some hot cider.

See you all around!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Movie Mondays

Hi Everyone!
I have to say that my mind recently has been on all things related to The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.  I’ve rewatched The Lord of the Rings movies and am getting super excited for The Hobbit.  And that might be because we’ve been working hard on planning our Hobbit Day program (which will be Saturday, December 8 if you didn't know already).
For the latest info on The Hobbit, check out the website: Link! (and watch the trailer!)
Now, there are a few things I’m excited for in regards to The Hobbit.  The number one thing being that Peter Jackson will be back to direct the three part epic adventure.  I’m always glad when there’s consistency in directors when it’s a movie series and he obviously did an amazing job with The Lord of the Rings, so yay!  The number two thing I'm excited for is the appearance of characters who aren't exactly in The Hobbit (aka Frodo) or who are returning cast members.  It's good to know that the actors are just as excited about the movie, and reprising their roles, as the fans are.
So.  Do we have any Lord of the Rings or Hobbit fans?  What are your feelings on the upcoming movie?  Any ideas for our Hobbit Day program?  Let me know!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Movie Mondays

Hi Everyone!
Let’s talk about some of your favorite movies of all time.  For me, that’s one of the hardest things to narrow down.  And when people ask “what is your favorite movie of all time?”… well, that’s just impossible to answer.  But I’m always curious to know if it’s a hard question for everyone to answer or if some people truly have a favorite movie of all time.
Some of my favorite movies (the ones that I can watch over and over and never get tired of), in no particular order, include:
Star Wars (A New Hope is, hands down, the best)
Indiana Jones (The Last Crusade is my favorite of the three… er… four)
Back to the Future (I shouldn’t even have to specify)
The Bourne Identity
Saving Private Ryan
A Knight’s Tale
Rear Window
As you can tell, I’m quite fond of the action/adventure type movies.  As long as it involves at least one action sequence or a heist, I’ll probably enjoy it.  I also like some girly movies, the Disney classics, and comedies.  But you’ll never catch me talking about horror movies.  I’d much rather spend my time watching stuff being blown up than suffer through watching a person tiptoe around a house terrified and crying.  And I’ve never heard anyone say “my favorite movie of all time is that horror movie…”
So, I’ll ask the impossible question… What is your favorite movie of all time? J

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Teen Volunteer Opportunities: October 2012

Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to let you know that teens at the Sharonville Branch Library have the opportunity to volunteer at programs/events to earn volunteer credit (and generally have a fun time!).  Here’s a list of upcoming volunteer opportunities that we have available for teens:
Saturday, October 6 - Star Wars Reads DayIt’s not just about Star Wars and Reading, we’re also going to have activities for kids and we need teen volunteers to help out at stations.
Friday, October 12 - DIY GraveyardThere’s also After Hours Movie Night for Teens planned for that evening, but we’re hoping that some teens will want to help us create a graveyard instead.
Thursday, October 25 - Shiver in SharonvilleKids will come dressed in their Halloween costumes and trick-or-treat around the library, so we need teen volunteers to dress up (or at least wear a silly hat) and hand out candy.
I’ll keep you posted on upcoming volunteer opportunities so you can see what we have planned and pick which programs you’d like to help with.  Also, you’ll need to fill out an application and answer a few easy, interview-type questions (seriously, no pressure!) before you come to a program to volunteer.  So if you’re interested in volunteering, stop by the library and pick up an application asap!
Let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Update: John Green Video Contest

Hi Everyone!

As you may have heard (both here on the blog and on Teenspace), John Green is coming to Cincinnati!  He'll be at the Main Library doing a book talk and signing at 7:00pm on Monday, October 15th.

And now you can enter a contest to win front row seats for that book talk and signing!  Here's the video describing the contest and what you need to do to enter:

Basically, you have to create a video response describing what makes you a nerdfighter.  For the complete rules and requirements, check out the information in the box below the video (here's the link to the video on YouTube - Link!).  Good luck to those of you who enter!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Movie Mondays

Hi Everyone!
One of my favorite things to do is follow a movie from its creation, through production, until it’s released.  The whole production process has always been fascinating to me and it’s sort of neat to see the progression.  Especially when the movie is being made from a book.  And that’s partly because of the librarian in me and partly because I feel like I’m more involved with the production since I already know the story.  There are so many books being made into movies nowadays, it's hard to keep up!

Which upcoming movies are you most excited for?
I’m most excited for any and all news related to The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.  I mean, obviously.  I’ve never been so interested in following the making of any other movie franchise and I honestly think that everyone involved has done a fantastic job so far!  How do you guys feel about the new director and new cast members?  Have you seen that there’s still one more female character to cast, but no name attached to the role (yet!)?  Who do you think that will be?  My guess is Annie or maybe even Coin!
Leave a comment below telling me which movie (or movies) you’re most looking forward to!

Monday, September 10, 2012

I Would Like to Introduce... Movie Mondays!

Hi Everyone!
I have always been a huge fan of movies… so much so that I actually almost went to film school (and would have definitely become a famous director :-).  Yep, I’m that person who enjoys the behind-the-scenes and special features just as much as the movie itself.  So I thought it would be fun to discuss all things movie related here on the blog.  Whether we do movie reviews or discuss movie gossip, I’m planning on adding something to the blog on Mondays that’s completely movie related.  And I hope you’ll join in on the conversation!
So, let’s start off with the basics.  What was the last movie you watched and what did you think?  Let us know in the comments below!
For me, it was The Dark Knight Rises.  I know, I’m beyond late to the party.  BUT.  I absolutely loved it!  The acting was phenomenal, the technical side was amazing.  I just can’t say enough good things about it.  Christopher Nolan has done such an awesome job with the whole Batman series and I can’t wait to see what we’ll get from him next!  I won’t spoil any of it for you until it’s out on DVD and you can get a copy from the library (I’ll do a full review then!).  But I will tell you this… Go see it before it leaves theaters!  It will be 3 hours and a few bucks well spent, I promise.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Author Visit: John Green!

Mark your calendars for Monday, October 15th at 7:00pm...
We just got some exciting news!  John Green, YouTube extraordinaire and New York Times best-selling author of Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, The Fault in Our Stars and Will Grayson, Will Grayson (which he co-wrote with David Levithan), is coming to Cincinnati!  He’ll be doing a book talk on The Fault in Our Stars followed by a book signing right at the Main Library (in The Reading Garden Lounge).  Sure, it's not at the Sharonville branch, but he's worth the drive!
For more information, check out the TeenSpace announcement: Link!
Haven’t read any of John Green's books yet?  Good thing we have tons of copies at the library!  Just stop in at the library and pick up a copy or head on over to the catalog and request a copy.
And, just for fun, check out John Green's YouTube channel: Link!
See ya there!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Program Update: September 2012

Hi Everyone!

With school back in session, I thought it might be helpful to post a mini program schedule here on the blog.  There's not a whole lot going on in September, but I'm working on a few programs for later in the fall that I hope you'll all be excited about, so stay tuned!

Saturday, September 1st @ 2pm = STAB Meeting
The Sharonville Teen Advisory Board (STAB) is a group of teens who meet once per month to discuss books and plan teen programs for the library.  And teens earn volunteer credit for attending!

Friday, September 14 @ 6:30pm = After Hours Movie Night for Teens
Don't forget to vote for which movie you'd like to see!  You can vote right here on the blog.

Wednesday, September 19 = International Talk Like A Pirate Day
Stop by during the day to participate in fun pirate-inspired activities and joins us for a pirate movie at 6pm!

If you have ideas for programs that you'd like to attend in the future, post a comment here on the blog, stop in at a STAB Meeting, or just find me in the library and let me know!

In other news... The Teen Scene area of the library is getting a mini-makeover!  We've been shifting things around to try and make more room for new materials.  And I may have added a Hunger Games READ poster :-)  If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know!  As always, ideas are always welcome...


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

John Carter

At August's After-Hours Movie Night for Teens, we polled the attendees as a tie-breaker and ended up watching John Carter.

The movie John Carter is based on the book "A Princess of Mars," the first book in the Barsoom series, by Edgar Rice Burroughs.  In the film, John Carter's story is told to his nephew, Ned, through Carter's journal.  John Carter is a former Civil War soldier who gets transported to Mars via a medallion.  He is found by the Tharks, a group of green Martians, and learns that there is a massive war going on between the red Martian cities of Helium and Zodanga.  Through a series of events, John Carter finds the medallion he lost and is given the choice between returning to Earth and staying on Mars.

As a fan of action/adventure movies, I was looking forward to John Carter (despite what the critics have said) and I was not disappointed.  I have never read the Barsoom series, but was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't something I needed to have read in order to enjoy the movie.  While the summary does sound like something only sci-fi fans would enjoy, I recommend the movie to anyone who is up for a little fun and adventure.

Have you seen John Carter?  Have you read "A Princess of Mars"? Tell me what you thought!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Life As We Know it

Title:Life As We Know It
Author:Susan Beth Peffer
Genre:Science Fiction
Rating:3 out of 5

    The book Life As We Know It is about a meteor hitting the moon and bringing it closer to the earth this causes many natural disasters like floods and volcano's. The main character Miranda and her family have to struggle to survive with a scarcity of food and water and no electricity. Almost everything thing is a challenge and there is no guarantee that you will be alive the next day. I recommend this book to anyone one who likes  a science fiction thriller and is above the age of 12.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Just a Reminder!

Hi Everyone!

As I'm getting situated and discovering all of the fun teen stuff we have coming up, I thought I would remind you guys as to what we have on the schedule for the next month...

Tuesday, July 31st (tomorrow!) at 2:00pm we have a DDR program, so please stop by and introduce yourselves!

Monday, July 30th through Friday, August 3rd we can all continue voting, right here on the blog, for which movie we'd like to watch at August's Teen Movie Night.  Right now it's a tie, so gather some friends and start voting for which movie you'd like to see!

Saturday, August 4th at 2:00pm we have our August STAB meeting!  You'll have the chance to let me know what you'd like to see going on at the library - and since I'm so new, this will be your best chance to really start influencing and molding me into the Teen Librarian you'd like me to be.

Friday, August 10th at 6:00pm we have our After Hours Teen Movie Night!  Like I said, right now it's a tie...

So that's what we have planned for the next month.  Of course you can always access the calendar from the website.  And please start thinking of programs/events/other details you would like to discuss at future STAB meetings because I'd really love to hear your ideas!

Hope to see/meet you all soon!


Monday, July 23, 2012

Code Orange

Sorry, I'm really late posting this for you!  Sounds suspenseful.  Joan

Title: Code Orange
Author: Caroline B. Cooney
Genera: Realistic Fiction
Rating: 4 out of 5

Mitty doesn’t care about grades or really anything else. He waits till last minute to write his term paper about a disease. One day at his vacation home he finds a medical book about Small Pox, he opens and finds two scabs. He reaches and smells the scabs. While learning about Small Pox and researching the scabs it turns out he isn’t the only one who’s interested.

At Last!

Everyone, meet Siobhan, our new teen librarian.  I know, you were beginning to think we'd never have anyone to replace Karen, weren't you?

Here's what she has to say about herself:

Hi Everyone!
I’m Siobhan, the new Teen Librarian at the Sharonville branch!  I’m excited to start getting to know everyone, but in the mean time, here’s a little bit about me:
I’m originally from just outside Philadelphia, but went to college at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Go Big Red!) and then headed back to Philly for grad school.  I graduated from Drexel University with my MS in Library and Information Service only a couple years ago and have been enjoying life as a librarian ever since.  After spending some time in a public library setting, I found that my absolute favorite thing about my job was the teen programming and literature.  And that brought me to Sharonville!
I like to do a whole variety of things when I’m not working, including read (obviously!), watch movies, play games, experiment with crafty things, and generally just have fun.  Back in PA I spent the past 2 years as an assistant technical director at the high school’s theater program.  That means I had the awesome job of helping to design and build the sets of the high school’s theater productions (which is really just a combination of all the things I like to do outside of work).
Some other random things about me: My favorite book is usually the book that I’m currently reading – I love getting completely wrapped up in the story, characters, and setting.  I have a black cat named Binx, a weakness for celebrity gossip, and I would like to be Indiana Jones when I grow up.
I really look forward to meeting all of you, so if you see me pretending to know my way around the library, stop me and say hi!
Really, do come in and meet Siobhan, come to our DDR program on July 31 (2:00), come to the August Teen Movie Night (vote early and often for your choice of movie to the right), and STAB members, come to the first STAB meeting of the summer on August 4. 
We're already planning some programs for this fall--stuff in October to coincide with the next Rick Riordan book and for Star Wars Reads week, and then in December, Hobbit Day.  And whatever other exciting things you and Siobhan can think of!

Monday, June 11, 2012

I just posted to the main library blog about this book, Maggie Stiefvater's The Scorpio Races, and I wanted to recommend it here, too.  It's a great work of fantasy, vivid and romantic and eerie and suspenseful, so check it out.  (Lots more details in the other post.)

By the way, the main blog does have more posts on teen stuff, too.  Look at the middle column under Categories, toward the bottom, and you'll see the link to read all the Teen Book entries. 

I hope you're all finding good things to read this summer.  Probably no STAB meeting in July, either, as we're still (still, still, still!) waiting to hear about a teen librarian for the branch, so you'll have lots of good books to talk about when you meet again.

If you like this book as much as I did, let me know and I'll recommend some more things for you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Still hoping. Still reading.

We're still interviewing librarians for Karen's job.   We're down to a few good people! 

What have you been up to in the meantime?  Read anything good lately?

I just put a hold on Insurgent, Veronica Roth's sequel to Divergent.  If you're up for more dystopian novels like The Hunger Games, try this series. 

The first dystopian novel I ever remember reading was John Christopher's series beginning with The White Mountains, about a group of teenagers who refuse to participate in the "capping" ceremony that brings the adults in their society under the control of alien tripods.  It's an old British series.  I'm not quite as old as it is, but the advantage to libraries is that you can read old stuff, too. 

It's kind of interesting to see what's different and what's the same in our view of a terrible future society between fifty years ago and now.  I think we were more worried about machines then than we are now.  I wonder what people fifty years from now will think of The Hunger Games as a symbol of American society today?


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Summer Volunteering

Hi all, if you would like to volunteer at the library this summer, we'd love to have you!

We have our usual Summer Reading Program volunteer work, where you help kids sign up, help them log their reading, and give them their prizes. 

This year we also have a special free lunch program that we're going to run with the Free Store Foodbank Monday through Friday for most of the summer.  Volunteers will help serve food (sandwiches, fruit, milk, that kind of thing), help with setup and cleanup, and help with program activities for the kids who come in.

If you volunteered last year, we just need you to fill out an updated set of forms with a parent's signature and drop them off.  Don't forget to let us know your availability so we can work out a schedule for the SRP booth, and let us know if you want to help with the lunch program.

If you're a new volunteer, fill out the forms and bring them by, and we'll set up an interview for you!

P.S., Some people are now volunteering during the school year, too, to help with storytime craft prep.  So if you're interested in that, let us know, too.

P.P.S, this all counts for community service hours if you need them for school!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

By: Elizabeth Norris
May 2012

Janelle Taylor is walking home when from the beach when a trucks come out of nowhere and hits her. She should have died have not been for Ben being there. As she wakes up Ben is standing over her. After that weird things start happening to the town that she lives in. Janelle starts falling in love with Ben but does he love her? Together they find out about a bomb that will go off causing planet Earth to explode. They race against time to save her town and family. Will it be enough?

Sam. F.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Still No News

We still haven't found a new teen librarian to replace Karen.  (She was in the other day--she's having fun in her new job!)

In the meantime, please let us know if you are interested in volunteering this summer.  We're putting together the regular Summer Reading Program schedule, and if all goes well, we will also be recruiting volunteers for a special lunchtime program for kids.  (More on that when the details have been confirmed.) 

So stop in and we'll get your volunteer info updated and your name on the schedule. 

And go ahead and get yourselves signed up for the Summer Reading Program too!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Don't forget!

I know we'll be seeing a few of you as volunteers this weekend to help with the book sale, but I wanted to remind the rest of you---come and spend a little money on books and support the library at the same time!

The Friends of the Library will be having a book sale at the Sharonville Branch April 19 through April 21. That's this Thursday, 12-8, Friday 10-6, and Saturday, 10-5.

The money we raise helps pay for library programs, including all of the special events this summer for the Summer Reading Program. So a good cause on top of a good way to get some great cheap reads.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Missing Karen!

Hi all, I'm sure you've already heard that Karen is now working as the children's librarian at our Forest Park branch. We HOPE to have our new teen librarian by the middle of next month, but that won't be in time for a STAB meeting or movie night. So stay tuned, and we'll let you know for June.

Meanwhile, is anyone reading anything wonderful?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Exceptionals
By: Erin Cashman
April 2012

Claire hears animals thoughts in her head, but no one believes her when she told her family. After awhile she stopped saying thatm, and went to a regular high school. When she gets in serious trouble, her mom sends her to the school were people like her family, (with powers) are to be trained. What is she going to be trained for? Their she meets people that she can relate to. Out in the woulds one day she meets Dylan. Terrible things start happening like people going missing. Fter finding out about a prophecy of a person who can talk to animals. The prophecy is talking about her, and her so called powers. As she races against time, what will happen to the school, and people in it?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Title Freaky Fast Frankie Joe
Author: Lutricia
Genre : Realistic Fiction
Rating: 8 out of 10
Age: grade 3-5

     Frankie Joe is forced to to live in Plainview Illinois after his mom is sent to prison. When he reaches he meets his four annoying step brothers. After a couple weeks in Planview Frankie Joe decideds he can't take it anymore and hatches a plan to get back home but not by car or bus but by bike. To raise money for his plan he decideds open a devilvery business but when there are a couple bumps in the road the jouney may suprise you.

Friday, March 9, 2012

By: Jill Williamons
January 2012

Jason 3:3 has wanted to see the sky. When a new doctor comes into the place he is staying, Dr. Goyer tells him about his family. One night Jason 3:3 gets out, sneaking into Dr. Goyer's truck bed. When he gets inside of Dr. Goyer's house he meets Abby, Dr. Goyer's daughter. Abby has met a Jason that looks just like Jason 3:3, but Jason 3:3 is only a clone. Everything goes down hill from there when the company that made Jason 3:3 knows that he ecasped. What will happen to all the Jasons?

Sam. F.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

By: Rachel Coker
March 2012

Allie's mother is sick, so Allie is the only person that can take care of her. One day Sam Carroll comes over, and starts to talk to Allie. While is talking her mother falls down, and will not get up. The next day her mother dies. Allie is sent to Maine to live with an adoptive mother. Allie is trying very hard to not get close to people. As summer gets closer, Sam Carroll comes around again, her feelings for him have changed. World War 2 is coming soon, and Sam wants to leave to go fight. With summer brings new feelings, and hard tasks. What will happen to Sam and Allie?

Sam. F.
Halfling By: Heather Burch
February 2012

Nikki returns to school after a long summer, to see 3 new boys, that she met at weird parts of the summer. After sometime she figures out that they are halflings, and she has powers too, along with wings. A love triangle has formed between to of the halflings. Raven and Mace, at the end she has to make a choice of who she wants to be with, her family or her family of halflings.

Sam. F.

Over the past couple of weeks, PCMS has been trying to get people  to vote. The levy that got voted for on March 6th, was very important. It was going to decide wither or not we would still have music in Princeton. The levy has passed, thank u to all the voters. Music in Princeton is very important to all students, and teachers.

Its not just Princeton without Music!!!

Sam. F.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Litttle Dog, Lost

Author : Marion Dane Bauerand Illustrations: Jennifer A. Bell

Title: Little Dog, Lost

Genre : Realistic fiction

Rating: 9 out of 10

Recommended : to grade 2-4

    The story starts of with Buddy a poor dog abandoned by her owner and sent to a weird new home. Then  they introduce Mark a lonely boy without dad or any other siblings. Both in desperate need of each other .  So when the plan of a new dog park is coming together and a protest taking place this book will keep you reading till the end.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Out of Shadows by Jason Wallace

Title: Out of Shadows
Author: Jason Wallace
Genre: Historic Fiction
Page number: 280
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Out of Shadows is set in Zimbabwe during the 1980s. The country has just gained independence and the local whites are anger at the new president for taking their land. The story describes the effects of the restless echoes of national politics in a boys’ boarding school. The main character, Robert Jackin is British. Therefore he is an outsider among the local white boys and the few select blacks who have been admitted to the school. He must choose sides, having to deal with the racism, bullying, and violence.
I enjoyed this book mainly for the historical aspects of the issues in African countries resulting from the European decolonization of Africa. However, I found the story itself to be monotonous as most times and over the top at others. These issues still plague African countries today. The story line itself moves very slowly as Robert cycles through all three roles of bullying: victim, bully, and bystander. I felt that as the story progressed, he became more and more involved in the bullying. It was not until the end of the book that Robert understands his mistakes. I recommend this book to teenaged boys who have an interest in recent African political history.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dairy Queen Book Trailer

You all know how much I love book trailers! I made my using the nifty site, Animoto. You can sign up for a free account and create 30 second videos.

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

It's a lot of fun and really easy to use. You can create videos from vacation pictures and create a really outstanding presentation for a class.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

"Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!"

Here's my teaeser:

"A sense of loneliness crept over her despite being in the crowded little chamber. She couldn't believe people lived this way once, with nothing but the real."

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

This book has been getting a lot of buzz and has been optioned by Warner Bros. to be made into a movie. Be sure to jump on this bandwagon before you're left behind!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Book Trailer - Cinder by Marissa Meyer

A twist on the traditional Cinderella story, Cinder by Marissa Meyer is a great read. Look for my full review on an earlier post.

If you're like me and think that book trailers are pretty awesome, come to our Book Trailer program on Saturday, February 18th at 10 am to learn how to make your own. You do need to register.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

"Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!"

Here's my Teaser:

"Yeah, I had all kinds of tragic reasons for feeling sorry for myself; being fifteen didn't help.  Sometimes I thought that being fifteen was the worst tragedy of all."

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz

Full disclosure: I am reading an Advanced Readers Copy of this book. It will be released February 21, 2012. I am almost done reading it and I highly recommend you get your hands on a copy as soon as you can!

Monday, February 6, 2012

After-Hours Movie Night

Boy, there's not much out there that's been released lately. I had a hard time coming up with movies to put in the poll so, I just picked one:

Dream House

After-Hours Movie Night is this Friday, February 10th at 6 pm.
Ages 12 - 18

Hope to see you there!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Looking for Reviewers

I just have a few books that need to be reviewed:

Daughter of the Centaurs by Kate Klimo

"Malora knows what she was born to be: a horse wrangler and a hunter, just like her father. But when her people are massacred by batlike monsters called Leatherwings, Malora will need her horse skills just to survive. The last living human, Malora roams the wilderness at the head of a band of magnificent horses, relying only on her own wits, strength, and courage. When she is captured by a group of centaurs and taken to their city, Malora must decide whether the comforts of her new home and family are worth the parts of herself she must sacrifice to keep them."

Thief's Covenant: A Widdershins Adventure by Ari Marmell

"She is Widdershins, a thief making her way through Davillon's underbelly looking to find answers, and justice with a sharp blade, a sharper wit, and the mystical aid of Olgun, a foreign god with no other worshipers but Widdershins herself."

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

"THE FALSE PRINCE is the thrilling first book in a brand-new trilogy filled with danger and deceit and hidden identities that will have readers rushing breathlessly to the end.In a discontent kingdom, civil war is brewing. To unify the divided people, Conner, a nobleman of the court, devises a cunning plan to find an impersonator of the king's long-lost son and install him as a puppet prince. Four orphans are recruited to compete for the role, including a defiant boy named Sage. Sage knows that Conner's motives are more than questionable, yet his life balances on a sword's point -- he must be chosen to play the prince or he will certainly be killed. But Sage's rivals have their own agendas as well.As Sage moves from a rundown orphanage to Conner's sumptuous palace, layer upon layer of treachery and deceit unfold, until finally, a truth is revealed that, in the end, may very well prove more dangerous than all of the lies taken together.An extraordinary adventure filled with danger and action, lies and deadly truths that will have readers clinging to the edge of their seats."

Soul Searching: A Girl's Guide to Finding Herself by Sarah Stillman

"Girl Power lives! Written when the author was sixteen and updated to address the concerns of today’s teens, Soul Searching brings girl power to the printed page by offering young women a clear path to self-discovery and empowerment.
Through fun quizzes, insightful exercises, and provocative statistics, Sarah Stillman guides young women through the complex maze between adolescence and adulthood. While fashion magazines, television programs, and websites emphasize the superficial and foster insecurities, Stillman directs teen girls to a healthy place where a strong sense of self and direction take center stage.
With updated sections on safe cell-phone use, social media, cyber bullying, health, and gender, as well as updated resources throughout, Soul Searching is a must-read for teenage girls."

Post a comment to let me know which book you want to review!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Book Review - Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Cinder (Lunar Chronicles, #1)Cinder by Marissa Meyer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An deadly plague is quickly spreading across Earth. While scientists are searching for a cure, many are also searching for a Lunar Princess who was thought to be murdered in a fire as a small child. Hopes rest with this mythic Princess to save Earth from the evil Lunar Queen.
Cinder is a cyborg whose guardian (or stepmother) forces to work as a mechanic in New Bejing's marketplace. One day, a disguised Prince Kai comes to her shop asking for her assitance in repairing an outdated android. Cinder can tell that there is more importance to this droid than the Prince is letting on. She promises to repair the droid as quickly as possible with the giddy knowledge that she will be able to see the handsome Prince again.

I was really looking forward to this one and I was not disappointed. While there are many elements of the classic Cinderella story, there is more to this novel than just a "cinderella story". The novel deals with political intrigue and divisions of social classes as well as a growing love story between a Prince and a grimy commoner. I am looking forward to the next installment of The Lunar Chronicles!

View all my reviews

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hi, Plus My Favorite Teen Book from 2011

Hi, Karen invited me to join the blog because I greedily took Roddy Doyle's new book, A Greyhound of a Girl, from her stash of galleys of not-yet-published books, and she said I could read it if I review it. I will, promise, before it comes out in May.

I write for the blog on the library homepage, too, so please visit. I will give you just one link to a post there--it's for my favorite teen book of 2011, Catherynne M. Valente's The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making. I think it's a book for all ages, really, one of those books that will take you back to when you were very young and you never knew what marvelous things you might find when you opened a book.

It's not a massively detailed fantasy like Harry Potter is, but a quirky sort of unlikely story with unforgettable characters (a woman made of soap fragments! an orange lantern that speaks in beautiful golden letters!) and a heartbreakingly difficult adventure for the heroine. If you like classic works of fantasy like the Oz series (not just The Wizard of Oz movie), you'll like it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cross My Heart Book Review

Cross My HeartCross My Heart by Sasha Gould

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Laura thinks that she is being rescued from her monontonous life at the convent when her father summons her back home. She is shocked to hear that her beloved olders sister is dead and that Laura is now expected to marry her sister's much older and lecherous fiance to save the family's fortune. Laura is invited to join Venice's secret society of women with the promise that The Segreta will keep the marriage from happening. But, Laura soon learns that she can trust no one.

I was really looking forward to this. Lately, I've been drawn to historical novels that showcase strong women and I thought this would fit the bill. I flew through the first half, wondering how Laura was going to get out of her marriage and how her sister really died. But, then the story became way too much of a soap opera for me: people weren't who they said they were, people came back from the dead and others just went insane. It was a little too dramatic for 250 pages.

Release Date: March 13, 2012
Publisher: Delacorte Press, an imprint of Random House Children's Books
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Format: Advanced Reader's Copy
Source: Baker and Taylor
Challenge: 2012 Debut Author Challenge

View all my reviews

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Because It's Not Going Away . . .

Ebooks are here to stay folks. In our library system alone, ebook circulation has gone up over 500% in the past year. I can't really even wrap my head around that number. At some point, the rate of increase will not be quite so dramatic, but it is obvious to those of us in the book world that ebooks need to be embraced by publishers, book sellers, and libraries if we want to remain viable.
Not only does the electronic format need to be embraced, but a whole new way of thinking about how authors interact with readers needs to be embraced as well. Enter Coliloquy.

Coliloquy is a digital publisher of active fiction, specializing in reader engagement and serial storytelling. We leverage advances in technology to create groundbreaking new forms of digital fiction. Available now for Amazon Kindle.
Reading and writing. Re-imagined.

Check it out, this could be the next big thing!

Monday, January 9, 2012

After Hours Movie Night

In honor of Friday the 13th, there is a selection of scary movies for this weeks movie night:

Exorcism of Emily Rose

Drag Me to Hell

Haunting in Connecticut

The Others

Be sure to vote on the poll for what to watch!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Book Review - What Happened to Goodbye?

What Happened to GoodbyeWhat Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Because Mclain moves from town-to-town with her father every few months, she has made a habit of reinventing herself with every new move, never allowing anyone to truly know who she is. But, the latest move begins differently when she introduces herself with her real name and her carefully built walls of protection begin to crumble.

Another classic Sarah Dessen. The supporting characters are just as interesting as the main character and because so, the novel has a lot of depth to it. The focus is not soley on one person, but spread out over the whole cast of characters, just like real life.

View all my reviews

Monday, January 2, 2012

Book Review - Born Wicked

Born Wicked (The Cahill Witch Chronicles, #1)Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I like a good realistic witch story (does that even make sense?).

Spotswood's alternate hsitory of the late 1880's New England was very intriguing. She used some real events for inspiration (Salem witch trials)but played them out in her own way (New England became very oppressive of women while other parts of the world (Dubai) developed into very progressive states.

The main character, Cate Cahill, struggles with the promise that she made to her mother on her mother's deathbed that Cate will help protect the fact that she and her sisters are all witches from The Brotherhood. The Brotherhood has cracked down on witchcraft by abducting any female suspected of witchcraft. Some of the girls/women are returned emotionally and physically damaged while some never return at all. Cate is coming of age where she must decide to either marry or join The Sisterhood (the less powerful female version of The Brotherhood).

This is the first in a series and while I was a little disappointed that although witchcraft is supposed to be a big taboo, the secret is really not so much of a secret, I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next to the Cahill witches.

View all my reviews